Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc (FMD) is a new format of data storage that is developed by a Constellation 3D (C3D) company, currently. Its size and appearance are similar to regular CD-ROMs and DVDs. The difference is FMD technology promises over it's rivals where a CDR may hold only 700 MB of data, and 4.7 GB for a DVD-ROM, C3D inform that it may be possible to produce FMD discs with up to 140 GB of data.
FMD-ROM discs contain has more than 10 layers each disk and fluorescent materials embedded within the pits and grooves. The fluorescent materials are stimulated to produce coherent and incoherent light when in contact with a laser which data is stored in the incoherent light.
With Fluorescent Multi-layer technology, each storage layer is covered with a transparent fluorescent material rather than the reflective metallic layer of a CD or DVD. Fluorescent light will be emitted when the laser beam hits on a layer mark. The wavelength of this emitted light is different from the incident laser light - slightly shifted towards the red end of the light spectrum - and is illogic in nature, quite the opposite to the reflected logical light in current optical devices. Data marks don’t have an impact to the emitted light, and therefore transverses adjacent layers undisturbed.
The read out system, the laser light is filtered out, so it’s only detecting the information-bearing fluorescent light so that the effect of stray light and interference can be reduced. The experimental results have shown that in conventional reflection systems the signal quality degrades rapidly with the number of layers. In fluorescent read-out systems, in contrast, more additional layers make the signal quality degrades much more slowly. Research has proven that media containing up to a hundred layers are currently possible, thus increasing the potential capacity of a single card or disk to hundreds of Gigabytes. Blue lasers technology might increase the data storage capacities to over 1 Terabyte.
The advantages of Fluorescent Multi-layer Technology:
• Multilayer disc is transparent and homogeneous
• Small loss of useful signal while passing through several layers
• Fluorescence of a separate element easily passes through disc layers
• Less sensitivity (than of CD/DVD) to different imperfections of reading devices.
• Fluorescent technology doesn't require special manufacturing conditions
• Reflective fluorescent light from any layer is not coherent, it prevents a problem of multiple interferences
• FMD-technology is compatible with CD and DVD formats supporting the same data distribution system on each layer.
Constellation 3D Inc. (C3D)
Evgeny Levich is the President and Executive Director of the company C3D. it was founded in 1995. The company purpose is to develop progressive technologies in data storage field and in production in the sphere of consumption and education. Constellation 3D offers innovative solutions in the globe of data storage and it wishful that all their products must set the headfirst high-efficiency technologies of data store. Their offices are in New-York, Florida and California, and some laboratories in Israel and Russia. There are over 60 patents possessed by them.
It seems that this technology will be abandoned since C3D's whereabouts were undetectable from the middle of august 2002. However a few firms did take licenses so we might see the FMD back in some form or another. In a way this might be a perfect example of the so called "Vaporware": hardware that is promised but never comes to the market.
The following story is in wikipedia:
After Constellation 3D shut down due to a scandal (the scandal essentially involved the prototype "demonstrated" at COMDEX 2000 being a hoax — the content was actually playing on a hard drive — the device was faked) and the company consequently running out of money, a new company called D Data Inc. (4) was formed which acquired the entire patent portfolio of Constellation 3D in 2003. The company is determined to bring multilayer optical disc technology to the market, and so has introduced the technology again under the new name of Digital Multilayer Disk (DMD) (5).
Promising to have the technology available at the end of 2006
From the editor’s opinion, this technology will be a breakthrough forth if it is succeeding to be realized so that later people may enjoying this Fluorescent Multi-layer Technology on their daily life.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc (FMD)
Diposting oleh science reloaded di 8:18 PM 0 komentar
Java, as hot as its coffee
Nowadays, java is progressively recognized especially in the cell phone universe. Java for cell phone also be called J2ME (Java 2 Platform Micro Edition). This is a mini version of Java for desktop which is known as J2SE (Java 2 Platform Standard Edition). But did you know the origin of its name?
A little flashback in 1990, previously, Java is an internal project of Sun Microsystems Inc., in Santa Clara California, America. Project that idea came from Patrick Naughton was named Stealth Project, and change its name became Green Project right after James Gosling and Mike Sheridan join up. Assisted by some experts, the project started in a little office in Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, California. They try to create a new wave in technology, relying on C++ programming language. As a matter of fact, one of team member found many weaknesses from that. Then he asked to make a new programming language, combining MESA and C language.
After a long night of choosing the well-matched name, they found name Oak. That idea was come out after one peep outside the window, and there was an oak tree. Forth, they use it to stay on their project. Later on 1992, team succeeded to demonstrate new platform consists of Green Operating System, Oak Programming Language, libraries, and a part of hardware. Their first experiment focused on creating a peripheral such as PDA, that can perform graphic image, and then they call it Star7. It succeeds to be tested in September 1992. Two months later, Green Project fully owned by FirstPerson Inc., a corporation under Sun Microsystems.
In the middle of 1994, team was challenged to entering the internet. At that time, there was a new fresh browser called Mosaic. Patrick Naughton then produced a little browser prototype named WebRunner. In the same year, they were meaning to patent Oak. Unfortunately, it has been used for other programming languge. So they had to change its name.
Finally, the new name appeared. One day, some members of the team were touring out of town. They halted at such a coffee shop. When they were enjoying a cup of hot coffee, then the word Java emerge accidentally. Gosling and friends agreed on his idea, and then they use it for their programming language and platform name. And WebRunner also change into HotJava.
Diposting oleh science reloaded di 2:55 AM 2 komentar
The products of bee
Bee itself is a very super creature, from which we got some worthwhile product for life. They are honey, propolis, pollen bee, and royal jelly. The Bee product has been proven to contain nutrition and active component that capable to assuage many kind of diseases. Let us know the benefits of bee product.
Honey is kind of dilution jell yielded from nectar, that is sweet dilution which in flower. Therefore, it is sweet of course. The Usage of honey as medicine has been there since ancient Egypt and Greek era. The main composition of honey is sugar (glucose, fructose, sucrose, and maltose), and also a number of important mineral such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, natrium, chloral, sulfur, iron, and phosphate. Vitamin which consists in honey is vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, and B3 with changing composition according to the condition of nectar.
The benefit of honey to us:
• help to produce blood cell
Honey provides many required energy for the forming of corpuscle, and also to clean corpuscle. Honey has a positive effect to smoothing circulation of blood, as well functioned as protector to venous problem and atherosclerosis.
• exterminating bacteria
Antibacterial component found on honey can cease growth of harming bacterium for example Helicobacter pylori the stomachache cause and digestion trouble, and honey able to overcoming it during three-day. Pure honey is also good to be consumed by children as diarrhea drug effect because of Escherichia coli bacterium.
• curing injury
Honey contains antiseptic so that is often used to cure external hurt.
• Against infection
Some infection disease can be cured with consuming honey regularly for example coughing, fever, acute bronchi infection.
• Antioxidant
Some antioxidant consist in honey for example vitamin C, flavonoid, pinocembrin, krisin, and pinobanksin which can degrade cancer risk. Honey color influences antioxidant content. Honey which is dark chromatic contain the more antioxidant content compared to honey which has bright color.
• steadying heart
Mineral And sugar in honey are functioned as tonic/ heart lacing. Heart muscles require glucose as source of power. Most of honey content is glucose.
• Overcoming stomach pain and digestion problem
Honey contains mineral type which can lessen acid rate, assisting to prevent hemorrhage of stomach, and also improve stomach's pH. dark color honey contain high alkalinity rate which is good for overcoming stomach pain and intestine problem that because of the increment of production of stomach acid.
Propolis Bee is often referred as just propolis, coming from bee term, pro (before), and polis (town). So, bee propolis can be interpreted before entering bee hive. Propolis is kind of rubber glue that has chocolate color which is used by bees to patch leaky den, energizing den, and protecting the den from external disturbance. Propolis is also used to sterilize den, discontinuing the growth and spreading of bacterium, virus and also mushroom. Propolis coming from crop rubber and bee saliva in fact contain a number of vitamin like ferrum, vitamin B complex , vitamin A pro, vitamin C , vitamin E , amino acid, mineral and all kinds of bioflavonoid.
Propolis is very useful as our body protector. Propolis can activate timus gland functioned as body immunity system and hinders mushroom infection, other parasite and virus into body. Propolis also has the character of antiseptic, antibiotic, anti mushroom, anti chafing and as detoxification. With its ability to kill gem, propolis may help to cure health disorder caused by microorganism infection in respiration system, such as wet lung, pneumonia, asthma, sinusitis, TBC. Propolis usage in mouth rinse is also effective to cease bacterium growth inside mouth that can makes dental damage and gum chafe.
Propolis consists of antioxidant in the form of flavonoid quercetin, kaemferol, epigenin and luteolin. It also has nature of anticancer come from descendant of organic acid like Caffeic Acid Phenethyl Ester (CAPE). Using it for cancer disease, continually for 6 months, may decreasing cancer cell up to 50 %. In Brazil, propolis is even used for AIDS medication because it has been proven able to detain the replication of HIV virus.
Bee Pollen is effective for detoxification. It is made from nectar which is mixed with bee’s saliva. Actually, it is the source of food for bee, because consists of protein (18 kinds of amino acid), fat, vitamin B, C, D, E, betakaroten, calcium, magnesium, selenium. Pollen is effective to overcome anemia, infertility, impotence, and even cancer. It’s also may improving immunity system because the antioxidant within that can inactivate free radical inside our body.
Flavonoid within pollen may degrading excessive cholesterol, stabilizing and strengthening vein so that may decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Bee pollen can degrading body weight by repairing fat combustion metabolism. The high rate of lestin also assists to liquefy and pull the fat out of body.
Royal jelly also known as bee jelly is a condensed dilution like cream in white milk color, smelling sharply, taste sour and a little biter. Different from other bee products, it isn’t gathered from outside of bee’s nest but especially produced by adult worker bee from its part of body (hipofaring gland) from the metabolism process. Inside the bee hive, it is used as food source for all larvas for just only three days, forth, only larva that will become queen is fed with royal jelly for all of her lifetime. Henceforth, a queen bee is able to survive for a long time than her Childs.
Generally, royal jelly contains water, protein (consists of 17 types of essential amino acid and non essential), carbohydrate (glucose and fructose), and fat. It is rich of vitamin A, C, D, E, K and vitamin B complex. Other important component is collagen, protein which is very crucial for health and body network growth, husk or skin, hair, nail, bones, and muscle. The same as bee pollen, royal jelly may also decrease cholesterol and blood pressure. Methyl p-hydroxybenzoat in bee jelly is functioned as antioxidant to prevent aging process and cancer. Elatin in there, may also prevent the aging process. Vitamin A, C and E work in synergy with carotenoid to prevent skin damage that because of chemicals and sun radiation, even it can degrade the risk of skin cancer.
Diposting oleh science reloaded di 2:51 AM 24 komentar
Ray for health
Physically, light is playing a part in our body balance. Because light have a role with hormone gland performance and brain transmitter neuron ( order carrier from and to our body nerve). Start from hipotalamus gland, pineal and pituitary. The example, nowadays people know of ultraviolet light which is attached in our body is processed to become melanin body protector- makes our skin chocolate color. That also makes oil in the husk have the character of antiseptic so that healing of hurt faster. Light also have an effect on cholesterol rate and forming vitamin D and testoteron hormone.
Red color light is able to penetrate husk deeper than blue type. Brighter the light;,the penetration is going deeper under skin. In small amount, light even enter and emit a stream in our body. To prove it, putting down hand facing a light and you'd see the red chrome inside.
All experts nowadays know how light shares at body weight, energy, sexuality, fertility, mood and even human life hopes. Light also can awaken body rhythm center in hipotalamus. It's also referred as body clock works following noon and night cycle. Besides sleeping, this body clock arrange not less than 200 body process related to energy, hunger, blood pressure, body temperature, digestion, physical strength, speed reaction, sexual ambition, urine production and strength of brain.
Nowadays with a progress of science, existence and inexistence of light have become part of medication for all professional. Begin from man of science, ophthalmologist, surgeon doctor, husk doctor, psychiatric and psychologist. On the other side all of experts in alternative medication such as feng shui expert, prana healer, Crystal healer and color therapist also exploiting it for the balance and healing.
The example of exploitation of light in medical healing is PUVA ( Psoralen Ultraviolet A) for the syndrome of psoriasis, Blue Light Therapy for the baby which born in yellow condition and Phototherapy for the depression. In alternative, healing method, recognized with color healing term or light healing. While, electromagnetic radiation exploitation or other potential power is Psychic Energy, where by Freud referred as Libido, representing psychoanalysis base and autosuggestion influence, from animale fluidum potential power, developed by F.A.Mesmer, bioenergy by W.Reich.
Light and Dark are two element which equipping each other. We need light in enough number, not less and not be abundant also. But, however, we also require darkness. Continuously stay in darkness also has a bad effect on our health. Hence, attendance and inexistence of light likely taking care of our life balance cycle. As in awake and sleep cycle. Without darkness, pineal gland will not able to alter serotonin hormone become vitally melatonin hormone. Only in a state of dark, serotonin is stimulated to make sleep hormone melatonin and pumping it into blood. Melatonin has the character to depress expenditure of pituitary hormone and boost up endorphin hormone production, natural morphine of body. Farther, melatonin rate which is in balance, well believed can prevent premature death because it's representing natural antioxidant.
Diposting oleh science reloaded di 2:47 AM 0 komentar
How light become important to human life
We are so accustomed with plentiful of light every day till we forget to realize, recognizing, thanking for its role in everyday life. Though without it, there is no color that we can see. And even there might no life at all. Basically, light is divided to visible light and light invisible light. Like the visible light, this invisible light also influencing our life.
Light is a vibration radiation. Everything vibrant that transmits, creep or conduct vibration in the form of wave. When it owns matter (M) hence which is transmitted by is energy. Actually, light do not seen except it has landed in an object. When the object bounces entire light, we catch white light because our eyes accept entire white light's wavelength from its source. As the result, the object looked to be in white chromatic. That's determining color we see.
Black colored object permeate all the wavelength of light, whereas something transparent getting away all light wave which penetrating itself. Colored glass and other materials which are chromatic and transparent, only let certain color penetrating and permeate some of that light again. For the example, red glass which permeate blue light, purple, green, yellow, and orange, but passing the red light.
Light dimension
Everything vibrate according to time dimension ( T=Tempus). All we can see or percept with the five senses because they have dimension ( M=Matter) and space dimension ( L=Longus). Hence human body form referred as other material object have ML2T-2 dimension. While its spiritual form, and also the other which not have items have L2T-2 dimension.
There are 3 type of light which have been recognized globally: physical light, spiritual light, divine light. Physical light generally represent divided electromagnetic wave radiation that become visible light unseen.
Visible Light vibration can be caught by our eyes only one octave from various light octaves which exist in nature. Like do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si-do, also as light which consist of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, cyan, purple. Human being can hear some color octave, but only one octave can be caught by human sense, which its vibration wave is about 0,4 - 0,8. Lower or Higher from that won't be caught by our eyes, except assisted by other application.
The examples of higher octave are ultraviolet ray ( A, B C) and roentgen ray ( X), cosmic rays and gamma ray. While octave which has lowers frequency is infra-red ray which divided to 3: NIR- Near Infrared Rays, MIR- Medium Infrared Rays, FIR- Far Infrared Rays.
Light and eyes
Sunlight that comes to earth is only the light which can be seen ( visible light), ultraviolet radiation and infra-red radiation. About 37% sunshine radiation represent light which can be seen, 3% ultraviolet and other 60% is infra-red. Because of this visible light so we can see things.
A fold of light energy that enters the eyes and breaks pigment in photosensitive retina nerve cell. This cell then sends its message to brain and brain process it as eyesight. But, there are more unseen light surround us and also more things hidden from our senses.
Eyes are the most sophisticated camera ever has. How eyes accept light and deliver it to brain, same as camera's activity. Diaphragm aperture at camera determines the amount of light which enter, and its result are underexposure or overexposure photo. We are also able to minimize or enlarge eye pupil so that retina get enough light.
We can also focusing retina like us focusing camera to get sharper picture. The difference is when film in camera only used once, we can use retina to make a picture every second and repeatedly even until for our lifetime without have to change it.
Diposting oleh science reloaded di 2:43 AM 0 komentar